
  • Mobile App

How we changed the experience around running errands through gofer.

Gofer App User Interface
Get Order On Time

About Gofer

Gofer is an online grocery store app that fosters the way people purchase grocery or get things picked up and delivered at their homes. With just a click of a few buttons, you can order, approve, cancel, track and receive your order in no time. We designed two flows for the app, One where the driver can either pick up the requested items or can purchase products requested by the users through the app.

Grofer App Flowchart for User Interface

Our Challenges

After a lot of brainstorming and detailed requirement gathering, we decided to design two apps for Gofer. One was the user app and the other one was a driver app. The biggest challenge while designing this was to keep the experience around the user journey similar and relevant to each user.

For example one of the key aspects of the app, as you can see in the user flow diagram, was when the user placed an order after paying a token amount to the driver, some things can be out of stock or low in quantity. The driver would then notify the user with a ballpark estimation of the items as well as inform them of the unavailable items. The user can either confirm the order or decline it.

Keeping this flow simple as well as designing the interface in a minimal and user-friendly manner so that the users can quickly get the correct information in time and take relevant actions was what made this challenging for our team.

Purchase & Deliver Flow

Purchase & Deliver Flow

Pick & Deliver Flow Screens

Pick & Deliver Flow Screens

Core UX Fundamentals

Nearby Vendor Listing

While placing the order on Gofer grocery shopping app, we provided users the option to order from nearby stores or search a store based on their preference. To enhance the overall experience as well as generate revenue for our client, we suggested that he introduce offers and discounts for nearby stores in the home screen.

Place Order | Order Details

Place Order | Order Details

While creating a seamless flow for the users while placing an order, we had to first understand the users and their mindset. We analysed the information and the knowledge our users i.e customers and drivers would have and then went onto design a relevant feature for both. To simplify things while placing orders, we added an option to add images of items. This was one of the key UX features on the app.

Token Amount | Review Order

There was a major challenge we faced while devising the payment module for the users and the drivers. After a few fallbacks we suggested the client to introduce an initial ‘token amount’ that the driver would receive regardless of the order being rejected or a few items missing. The final payment would happen only after the user has reviewed the order and approved the prices of the items.

This was a rather challenging flow to design as we had to keep both the users in mind and define their end goals to get to the solution of the platform.

Color Palette

While choosing color palettes for any user interface, we understand the design color psychology and match it with the business idea. Since this was grocery delivery app, we went with shades of green and grey to create relevance.

Color Palette


The typography for any user interface, where there is a lot of information being absorbed, we kept it minimal, bold & eye catchy.

The Final Take Away

The Final Take Away

The entire project was completed within a month as the client wanted to send it in development as soon as possible. Our designers worked around the clock with the client to bring Gofer to life. With very smooth and easy communication on a regular basis and a seamless feedback loop, Gofer was completed successfully.

This is pretty amazing. It looks great. Thankyou everyone from the team for creating such excellent interface

Alex Kasperowicz
